WHMCS 8.5 is here! What is included..

WHMCS 8.5 is currently in Release Candidate at the time of this article.
It is about to go general availability any moment now.

What’s new in this version?

1. Client Area Home Page SSO – Clients can now use single sign-on to access their active services such as cPanel and Plesk hosting accounts directly from the Client Area Home Page.

2. Multi-Year SSL Orders with DigiCert – Offer two-year and three-year SSL certificates from RapidSSL, GeoTrust and DigiCert via MarketConnect with fully automatic reissuance and reinstallation throughout the order period.

3. Shopping Cart Cross-selling – Setup additional product recommendations to be displayed when customers add a product to their cart or checkout.

4. Metric Billing for Plesk – Bill for resource usage including things such as email addresses, disk space and bandwidth.

5. cPanel SEO via MarketConnect – An SEO product offering that helps your customers websites rank more highly in search engines such as Google, creating more successful websites to maximise customer retention.

6. Improved System Settings – Now with categories, sorting preferences and improved responsive behaviour.

Take a look at all the features included in this new version! Click here!

The best 3 Dark WHMCS hosting themes!

The best 3 dark hosting themes & templates for the billing platform WHMCS!

Here’s our list of top 3 whmcs themes for hosting companies & businesses


1. UltraHost – Dark Hosting Theme – 69$

This theme comes in 2 versions, one is using a gradient dark blue as a background everywhere and the other one uses an image background that can be easily replaced.

This is only a WHMCS theme and does not come with any PHP/HTML folder:


2. Odin – Dark Hosting Template – 69$

Odin comes second on the list and here’s why. It’s a perfect theme based on a PHP/HTML template that can be used for your primary website (No WordPress/CMS) and it’s integrated completely

with the billing platform WHMCS. It contains a lot of modern pages in the PHP/HTML version to make your company look very professional. Easy to configure/edit aswell!


3. Zeus – Dark Hosting Theme – 69$

Not far behind.. Zeus is the sister theme of Odin.

It is very identical to the mentioned theme, standing out with it’s perfectly balanced yellow color. Comes aswell in PHP/HTML version and integrated for WHMCS. So you’ll be receiving 2 folders after theme purchase.


Some general features regarding these whmcs themes:

  • Very modern and unique
  • Modified/customized pricing plans/packages design on WHMCS side
  • Responsive in all devices
  • Very easy to edit
  • Well documented for installation
  • Comes with 1 year free support


Here’s a list of all our whmcs themes: https://whmcs.design

Create your own Web Host Company

One of the toughest businesses.. yet very profitable.

” How to start your own Web Hosting Company. “


We usually get this asked a lot. How to become the next Hostgator or A2Hosting. Well that is surely not happening unless you are about to spend endless amount of money… even then you will have possibility of not grabbing the amount of clients you were expecting. To keep it short Web Hosting is an industry which needs constant work, marketing and 100% dedication to it. You don’t just grab some reseller plan, a good web design and expect clients to come fly buying to your website. No!


However that is a topic we will discuss later, let’s give some tips & a tutorial on what you need to get started.


  • Knowledge

You might think like “Hey i’m a programmer, i know my stuff. I can do this”. Well, no. In the Web Hosting industry you will encounter so many issues, configurations, problems… stuff you didn’t even think before will couse you an issue. However as that might be as good for you because you’ll be getting more experience, that will impact your hosting business. Please make sure you have enough knowledge to maintain your reseller/servers, provide support to your clients and actually helping them. Nobody likes a bad service or slow/bad support.


  • Dedication & Constant Work & Marketing

Work, work and more work. Clients are not waiting to sign up for your cool hosting plans, you need to do constant marketing and work probably every day on it if it is needed. My best guess would be that you won’t be receiving a dime either the first months, don’t let that be a suprise for you.


  • Money

Kinda ironic because the reason you are starting this is to earn more money but as i mentioned before you will not get any new signups or cover your monthly expenses as soon as you launch your ‘web hosting company’. Few months will be tough… hell maybe even a year.


  • Good Provider

Now this is something that depends on what you want to sell. Is it just simple Web Hosting? VPS? Dedicated Servers and Domains? You know it but make sure the company you are behind or reselling is reputable and does not have a bad history. Don’t go for the cheap providers, cheap never goes along with quality.


  • Billing System (WHMCS or Blesta )

I will only recommend the ones i have been using, there are no doubt other billing systems but we’ll stick to these two for now. These are the systems that will manage your clients, hosting packages, domain registration, tickets & support… pretty much these ones will handle your entire web hosting company. Search for tutorials in google, both of them are very popular.


  • Clean & Modern Web Design

You might think that web design has no impact on the sales, that’s where you might be wrong. Web design has a big impact so make sure you don’t have that ugly, flooded with content website. Put yourself as a visitor/possible client, if you opened your site what is the chance of purchasing a service? Grab some template on ThemeForest or if you’re looking to get something completely custom, be our guest.


The hosting industry is already flooded and will not stop, so think twice before taking this step.